INTRODUCTION Sinuses or Paranasal sinuses (PNS) are air-filled cavities placed at different areas in the face, especially around the nose…

ACUTE SINUSITIS: Beat it with the Best and the most Effective Home Remedies
INTRODUCTION Sinuses are a set of 4 pairs of cavities that are placed symmetrically on either half of the face.…

SNORING: Know the Best Home Remedies, Medical and Surgical Treatment
INTRODUCTION Snoring is a common problem for most of the population, irrespective of age and gender. People from across the…

ACID REFLUX and ACIDITY: Foods to AVOID and Foods to EAT
INTRODUCTION Acid reflux is also called acidity or GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Acid reflux, in simple terms, means the upward movement of acid…

SORE THROAT: BEST Remedies in Your Home Kitchen
INTRODUCTION A sore throat is a feeling of irritation in the throat. or An itchy/scratchy throat can be called a…