Introduction: The Importance of Early Detection Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can affect individuals of all ages, from…

GRANULAR MYRINGITIS MALIGNANT or NECROTIZING OTITIS EXTERNA (MOE) This rare Otitis Externa of immunocompromised patients is an aggressive and potentially…

BLOCKED EARS: The Culprits Behind That Clogged Feeling and the HOME REMEDIES for it
A clogged ear or blocked ear is irritating and inconvenient but nothing serious. We hear muffled sounds and find it…

ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA: Understanding the Origin, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Definition Acute otitis media (AOM) implies an acute inflammation of the middle ear cleft. Middle ear cleft means it includes…

OTOSCLEROSIS: From Causes to Complications
Definition Otosclerosis is a common disorder of the bony labyrinth with a normal tympanic membrane. It is characterized by gradually…

DEAF CHILD: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) to Identify DEAFNESS IN CHILDREN
The UNHS is done within the first 3 months of life. It detects permanent hearing loss at an average age…

SUDDEN HEARING LOSS: From Causes, and Effective Treatments
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) develops over a period of hours or a few days and loss may be partial…

When Health Takes a Toll on Hearing: Common DISEASES that cause HEARING LOSS
Hearing loss is very common. Hearing loss happens for many reasons we are familiar with the common causes of that.…

PRESBYCUSIS: Exploring the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of OLD AGE HEARING LOSS
Introduction Presbycusis refers to bilateral age-related hearing loss. In literal terms, presbycusis means “old hearing” or “elder hearing.” It becomes…

What is MENIERE’s DISEASE? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Prosper Meniere first described this disease in 1861. The human ear has three parts— 1) Outer ear,2) Middle ear, and3)…

Which are the Best Hearing Aids Available in the Market?
One of the best hearing aid brands in the world is— (I) THE PHONAK HEARING AID DEVICE:- Phonak is a…

HEARING AIDS: The Different Types and How they Help the Deaf
Anybody who faces the loss of hearing due to damage or infection in the ear can be recommended to use…