Introduction Pranayamas may be defined in general term as controlled breathing, and this control is over all the functions of…
ENT Health

Yoga was once taught and practiced in remote places called ashrams under the direct supervision of a guru, but Yoga…

Cryosurgery in ENT: Revolutionizing Treatment
Introduction Cryosurgery is a minimally invasive technique that uses extreme cold to eliminate abnormal tissues. This method has gained popularity…

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in ENT
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Originally developed for divers with decompression sickness, it…

From Ear Infection to Mastoid Complication: Explaining Acute Mastoiditis Top Symptoms and Treatments
The otitis media is one of the most commonly treated infections. In acute otitis media (AOM), the disease process is…

CHOANAL ATRESIA’s Top Symptoms and Diagnosis
Choanal Atresia refers to the closure of the posterior nasal choana. This congenital anomaly is caused by the persistence of…