WHAT IS TINNITUS? Tinnitus stands for the perception of sound (ringing or noise), which has no external stimulus. Approximately one-third…

Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases: Unraveling the Best Ear Drops, Nasal Sprays, and Gargles
EAR DROPS Commonly used medications for ear, nose, and throat infections Are: Ear drops are used as a short-term treatment…

Home Air Purifiers: Understanding their Potential Negative Effects
INTRODUCTION Home air purifiers are machines designed specifically to filter the air in a room. This machine removes the contaminants…

PRESBYCUSIS: Exploring the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of OLD AGE HEARING LOSS
Introduction Presbycusis refers to bilateral age-related hearing loss. In literal terms, presbycusis means “old hearing” or “elder hearing.” It becomes…

FUNGAL EAR INFECTION: Signs You Can’t Ignore and Remedies
INTRODUCTION Fungal ear infection, also known as Otomycosis, is a common problem described as a fungal infection of the external…

DISCHARGING EARS: Understanding Underlying Causes, and Treatment
INTRODUCTION Ear discharge in medical language is known as otorrhea. Otorrhoea means any fluid that comes from the ear. It’s…

HYPOTHYROIDISM vs HYPERTHYROIDISM: Understanding the common differences
The thyroid is a simple bi-lobed endocrine gland. It sits exactly at the center of the neck and releases a…

EAR BLOCKAGE in CHILDREN: Understanding the Culprits Behind Clogged Ears
INTRODUCTION:- Most of us have experienced this at least once in our life, where we feel like our ear is…

EAR INFECTION (Acute Otitis Media): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
INTRODUCTION:- Acute otitis media (AOM) implies an acute bacterial inflammation of the middle ear cleft, which includes ET (Eustachian tube),…

Swollen Lymph Nodes In The Neck: When to Seek Medical Attention and What to Expect?
INTRODUCTION:- Our body generally consists of two sets of circulatory systems. They are – Talking about the lymphatic system, it…

N0SE RINSING In Sinusitis: Does It Actually Help?
INTRODUCTION Sinusitis is a problem that many patients face every year. It is quite a familiar condition to all of…

Should You Replace Sugar With Jaggery In Your Diet?
INTRODUCTION Between sugar and jaggery, none of the two takes the upper hand. Instead, one should decide whether to consume…