When it comes to alternative remedies and traditional practices, mustard oil has held a special place in many households for…

BLOCKED EARS: The Culprits Behind That Clogged Feeling and the HOME REMEDIES for it
A clogged ear or blocked ear is irritating and inconvenient but nothing serious. We hear muffled sounds and find it…

OTOSCLEROSIS: From Causes to Complications
Definition Otosclerosis is a common disorder of the bony labyrinth with a normal tympanic membrane. It is characterized by gradually…

TINNITUS Treatment: Immediate Relief with the MOST EFFECTIVE Therapy Techniques
WHAT IS TINNITUS? Tinnitus stands for the perception of sound (ringing or noise), which has no external stimulus. Approximately one-third…

Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases: Unraveling the Best Ear Drops, Nasal Sprays, and Gargles
EAR DROPS Commonly used medications for ear, nose, and throat infections Are: Ear drops are used as a short-term treatment…

PRESBYCUSIS: Exploring the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of OLD AGE HEARING LOSS
Introduction Presbycusis refers to bilateral age-related hearing loss. In literal terms, presbycusis means “old hearing” or “elder hearing.” It becomes…

FUNGAL EAR INFECTION: Signs You Can’t Ignore and Remedies
INTRODUCTION Fungal ear infection, also known as Otomycosis, is a common problem described as a fungal infection of the external…

DISCHARGING EARS: Understanding Underlying Causes, and Treatment
INTRODUCTION Ear discharge in medical language is known as otorrhea. Otorrhoea means any fluid that comes from the ear. It’s…

EAR BLOCKAGE in CHILDREN: Understanding the Culprits Behind Clogged Ears
INTRODUCTION:- Most of us have experienced this at least once in our life, where we feel like our ear is…

EAR INFECTION (Acute Otitis Media): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
INTRODUCTION:- Acute otitis media (AOM) implies an acute bacterial inflammation of the middle ear cleft, which includes ET (Eustachian tube),…

PREGNANCY RHINITIS: Best Treatment Advise on Pregnancy-induced Nasal Stuffiness and Runny Nose
INTRODUCTION Pregnancy is one of the most complex procedures that happen in a woman. It is a creation of a…

Understanding Ear Drum Hole Surgery: Procedure, Recovery, Cost and Quality