Labyrinthine disorders coexisting with a central neurological or cardiovascular cause are classified as multifactorial. An idiopathic diagnosis is only made…
Author: Dr Sharad

MOTION SICKNESS: A Guide to the Best Medicines In the Market
This common form of physiological dizziness occurs in susceptible individuals usually with prolonged vestibular stimulation. It may also be caused…

BLOCKED EARS: The Culprits Behind That Clogged Feeling and the HOME REMEDIES for it
A clogged ear or blocked ear is irritating and inconvenient but nothing serious. We hear muffled sounds and find it…

HOARSENESS OF VOICE: Exploring the Causes, & the BEST Home Care Advice
Hoarseness is any change in voice quality from harsh, rough, or raspy voice to weak voice. It is caused by…

ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA: Understanding the Origin, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Definition Acute otitis media (AOM) implies an acute inflammation of the middle ear cleft. Middle ear cleft means it includes…

OTOSCLEROSIS: From Causes to Complications
Definition Otosclerosis is a common disorder of the bony labyrinth with a normal tympanic membrane. It is characterized by gradually…

DEAF CHILD: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) to Identify DEAFNESS IN CHILDREN
The UNHS is done within the first 3 months of life. It detects permanent hearing loss at an average age…

SUDDEN HEARING LOSS: From Causes, and Effective Treatments
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) develops over a period of hours or a few days and loss may be partial…

When Health Takes a Toll on Hearing: Common DISEASES that cause HEARING LOSS
Hearing loss is very common. Hearing loss happens for many reasons we are familiar with the common causes of that.…

TINNITUS Treatment: Immediate Relief with the MOST EFFECTIVE Therapy Techniques
WHAT IS TINNITUS? Tinnitus stands for the perception of sound (ringing or noise), which has no external stimulus. Approximately one-third…

Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases: Unraveling the Best Ear Drops, Nasal Sprays, and Gargles
EAR DROPS Commonly used medications for ear, nose, and throat infections Are: Ear drops are used as a short-term treatment…

Home Air Purifiers: Understanding their Potential Negative Effects
INTRODUCTION Home air purifiers are machines designed specifically to filter the air in a room. This machine removes the contaminants…